We work closely with our natural environment to provide high quality crops
RG Produce Ltd are committed to producing quality products across our land base but recognise the impact that farming can have on local and more wider ecosystems. We recognise the importance of looking after the land we use to produce our crops and actively look to improve this where we can.
Parts of our land are in Environmental schemes and our farms have margins specifically in place to increase the presence and success of pollinators and bees.
We work with our agronomists and advisers to ensure our soils remain fertile and research ways we can increase the organic matter so we can use less artificial fertilisers.
We understand the changes that are coming to agriculture and are committed to ensuring our farm and business activities enhance the local environment and help play a role in the national climate and carbon targets.
Examples of species we are working towards enhancing in line with our local Biodiversity Action Plan are:
Brown Long Eared Bat
Great Crested Newt
Corn Bunting